Please click on the below link to view the 2020 MFG Diversified Strategy Fund Financial Statements.
Please click on the below link to view the 2020 MFG Diversified Strategy Fund Financial Statements.
Please click on the below link to view the 2020 Northpoint Global Partners Fund Financial Statements.
Their are two basic types of life insurance. Term can last for a set amount of time. Permanent can last for your entire life. But which one is right for you? Knowing their differences and benefits can help you find out.
Term Permanent
What is it for? |
Who is it for, mainly? |
What are the advantages? |
What are the disadvantages? |
When is it most cost-effective? |
Can you convert it to the other type of insurance? | Yes | No |
Can it supplement the insurance you have at work? | Yes | Yes |
Trends to consider |
Read the full article below on the sun life website:
Full Article - Sun LifeClick the link below to read the full article
Self Storage Article
January 2, 2021 – We hope this update finds you and your loved ones safe, and that you were able to make the best of an unusual holiday season. The Coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has certainly challenged the resilience of the economy and businesses of all kinds, including land development. Thankfully, Pacific’s land investment model is itself resilient to unfavourable economic conditions. We look forward to better times as the province and the country worm to recover lost ground over the coming months and years.
As was shared with Investors in June of this year, there was a pause in land development activity earlier this year that continued through September, which gave Pacific with an extended period to investigate the cost basis under which the McClellan Business Park lands will be eventually developed. With Hopewell’s Interlink Logistics Park now underway to the west of our property, across Dwight McClellan Drive, Pacific was able to gain valuable information on regional servicing in East Balzac. Hopewell has brought municipal services almost to our borders to serve their own interests, which has allowed for more precise negotiations with Rocky View County. At the same time, Pacific made the decision to simplify the design of McClellan Business Park substantially, and the resulting cost basis for the eventual development of the lands is now at a much more favourable level. Refining the development cost basis for the next developer supports the value of the sale and exit Pacific is now working to achieve.
McClellan Business Park features excellent transportation connections to two major arteries (QEII and Stoney Trail) and the Airport (as an Inland Port for logistics). The East Balzac region, over the past year, seems to have reached a tipping point where there is less development land available compared with lands that have already been developed and occupied. Pacific has fielded enquiries on our lands from several developers over the past year. Specifically, a development corporation we are discussions with has shown interest in acquiring our lands, and here in the New Year, we will restart discussions toward the goal of having an Offer on the table.
In closing, we remind Investors about the world we are all living in. Like many other industries, the land development community is still coming to grips with what the economic disruptions caused by the pandemic over the past year will mean to land and development going forward.
The overall picture of Calgary, Alberta, is of a downturn, and what bright spots there are, or what market confidence exists to support large or long term land purchases isn’t yet clear for 2021 and beyond. Still, two community developers we are in contact with were, recently, somewhat surprised to report their own sales absorption rates for 2020 are not much different from that of an average ‘down’ year. They also noted it was much more effort just to reach those moderate sales numbers. So, while 2020 was a very challenging year in this and many more respects, there is reason for optimism in the resilience people and companies can demonstrate in times of crisis, and here is hoping the worst of the pandemic will soon be behind us all.
Pacific Investments & Development Ltd. wishes you a safe and happy Holiday Season, and we look forward to a prosperous year in 2021.
Best Regards,
Pacific Investments & Development Ltd
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We’re very pleased that the REIT is completing its first acquisition in Western Canada. The University of Alberta is a Top 5 Canadian University and rated amongst the top 100 universities in the world. Should you have any questions or are interested in learning more, please do not hesitate to contact your MFG Portfolio Manager.