Our Platform

Our licensing gives rise to our unique platform which is what we have affectionately dubbed as our “One-Stop-Shop”.
Clients are able to have their investment portfolios, their insurance needs, their taxation strategies and their retirement planning completed all under one roof.
By consolidating these elements, we are simplifying a notoriously complex process and creating a value-add for our clients.

Our Team Approach

We’ve built a strong team …with each member having their own specific skill set and knowledge base (be it financial planning, public markets, real estate, etc). Our clients truly benefit from this breadth of knowledge and expertise. Rather than having one individual advisor monitoring their account, our clients have six Portfolio Managers reviewing, analyzing and rebalancing their portfolios to ensure the end product matches the end goal. Our team approach sets us apart and has easily become of one of MFG’s favored differentiators. We truly are a fine mix of ambition and experience. Come see for yourself.